fredag, 11 augusti 2006 00:00, My world
Last year the mayor from the city Kicevo in Macedonia visited me and lidkoping.I was invited back and visited Macedonia in the beginning of august,Macedonia had election the 26/7 and a right/liberal party won.
I had the opportunity to meet a former spokesmen for the government and the new planned vice primeminister Antonio Milososki.The meeting was nice and we talked about future developement for Macedonia and he promised me to meet members of the new government next time i visit the country.Macedonia is established after the liberation 1991.Skopje is the main city and its about 2 millions inhibitants.A small county,but also a poor country.
Albania is the neighbour country and the albanians are 20 % of the population.A albanian guerilla was acting in the beginning of 2000.I saw alot if albanian flags and flags for the albanian nationalist and ofcourse its irritate the macedonians.During my stay in Macedonia i hold a speech and hold a seminar about democracy and developement.I met local politicians.parlament members.
My hosts arranged a nice open air dinner with different politicians and businessmen.The topic was cooperation and development in peace.I also visit the lake of Orhid and some churches.

I saw alot of closed factorys.
I had seen same closed shops in America.Its no differences between the situation.Capitalistic country or ex communism. Its structural problem and lack of investment.Ive got many questions about Macedonias future. The touristic sector has a bright future.Also alot of knowledge that i didnt had time to see.But its necessary to start education program for many adults.I think the swedish experience of adult education should be good.Another close problem is the Kosovo region.EU is now establishing the biggest police organisation ever in Kosovo.Drug dealing.trafficking and cigarettes its one big problem there and when it reach Europe.1000 policemen will be send to Kosovo.
Its a region with problem but Europe will help for a better future and peace and i hope Lidkoping can be one of the developer.

Its me and the coming prime minister, next picture is the mens world..political dinner open air meeting.

this picture is me with miss Masa Lazareska councillor Kicevo and parlament member Ilija Kitanoski both liberals but different parties.