E days in Chicago.
torsdag, 03 maj 2007 10:39, My world
Moore then 450 Swedish and American companies,consultants and politicians gathered in Chicago to exchange experiences,business ideas and find new partners.
Lidkoping was the host city in August 2006 when the Swedish E days was hold.
The American version of SACC-USA’s Entrepreneurial Days was held at Sheraton Chicago April 16-18th. Intensive networking between small- and midsized companies, as well as between politicians and companies from Sweden and the U.S., characterized the event.
The City of Rockford has taken on an extensive economic development program to get Swedish investments to Rockford, and several regions in Sweden are trying to attract foreign investments, as well as helping the local companies to go global.
Chairman of the Board of SACC-USA Jan Lindelöw opened the conference,

followed by the Swedish-Ambassador to the United States Gunnar Lund.

Lund addressed the importance and More than 450 Swedish and American companies, consultants and politicians gathered in Chicago to exchange experiences, business ideas, and find new partners. Among the participants of this spring Entrepreneurial Days was one delegation from Lidkoping.
opportunities of globalization for Sweden. Mats Lederhausen, former Managing Director of McDonald’s Ventures who just started his own business, held a captivating speech about entrepreneurship and the importance of being a fundamental optimist. ”Nothing is more sad than seeing a young person without dreams and optimism”, said Lederhausen, who’s dad opened the first McDonald’s franchise in Sweden.
The Edays-conference offered both seminars and speeches, but the “matchmaking” was in focus. Business Matchmaking is a way for companies to meet potential partners and make new business connections. The “matchmaking” meetings were prescheduled by SACC-USA, depending on each company’s needs and wants.
From Lidkoping participated several companies who was very satisfied with the match making result.,
On Tuesday the four Nordic ambassadors to the United States discussed trade and investments with the Nordics. The fact that four U.S-ambassadors joined the Edays shows how high they value the cooperation with the Nordic market.

On Wednesday five different industry-specific programs took place. On of the programs was held in Rockford, a city with strong Swedish traditions, and a strong automation and production technology-industry.
The five different industry specific programs are; Life Sciences, Information- and Comminucations Technology, Automotive, Logostics and distribution, and Bioenergy.

Kjell Hedvall mayor, City of Lidkoping Sweden talks with American ambassador in Sweden Michael Woods and
Swedish businessman in Los Angeles Kent Bergh during the conference