
Christmas is over .. the Iraqi war

onsdag, 27 december 2006 15:32, My world

I have shown some pictures from California and sometimes i get questions how I can be a friend of America. Well.America is a huge continent and people have different opinions.Sorrily enough they have a tradition not to vote so from that point is a lack of democracy.Here comes a picture from a manifestation towards Iraqi war that I participated in.Santa Monica Beach Los angeles. It exists a big obstruction. Concerning to see pictures on young 17-18 year olds as been put to death in Irak.Even all Iraqi that are put to death intend. The mediums in USA boycott arrangements of this kind. When I placed out pictures on the net international from this manifestation.ive got question if this was true. If you interested,please read moore at the 27/1 2007 it will be arranged a new manifestation in Washington.

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